Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Stats

We're at 35 weeks and it's time for some Sunday Stats. I'm actually very pleased with this week's results.

Weight: 142 pounds
Waist: 41.5 inches.

So, in the past week and a half, my belly has grown half an inch and I've only gained half a pound! Woohoo! That puts my total weight gain at about 32 pounds. If I can keep my total weight gain less than or equal to 35 pounds, I'll be stoked. Since I think Baby is coming early, I think I have a good chance :)

So I think I finally felt a Braxton Hicks contraction the other day. Dave and I went downtown to pick up our BOB stroller (thanks again Mom and Big Ricky) from REI. Afterwards, we walked to a bookstore (The Tattered Cover) that was a decent walk... for a pregnant lady anyway. We hung out there for maybe 20 minutes then walked back. Right as we got back to the car I felt a little crampy and my belly was as hard as a rock. It was only for about a minute. Based on what I've read and what the midwives have told me, it sounds like it was a mini contraction... yay! It's perfectly normal for me to be having them; in fact, most women have already been feeling them for over a month, I just haven't noticed. I say "noticed", because even though I can't feel it, my uterus has been practicing contractions for quite awhile. Most women can feel them, but there are a few, like me, who never (or very rarely) feel them.

Well, that's all I've got for now. I've been working hard on setting up Baby's room. I'll share it with you guys once it's done!

(Sorry, no picture today)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Midwife Appointment - 34 Weeks

We had another midwife appointment today. It went really well and really quick. I love quick appointments! Others may be frustrated that appointments are only 15-30 minutes long, but I think it's great!

We talked about swelling a little today. I've experienced some swelling in my feet, toes, and ankles a few times, but not much. The day it was the worst was the day after we moved and I was at the mall for hours to get the new iPhone 4, then spending a lot of time on the computer blogging for TiPb about the new iPhone 4. By the end of that busy day, I had cankles! But they went away later the next day. There's been maybe 2 other times where my toes started to swell and it was when I was sitting or standing still for too long. It's all about keeping the circulation going! My midwife said it's perfectly normal and the swelling is happening for normal reasons, so there is no need to be concerned. I just need to make sure I get up often if I'm going to be sitting for a long time and drink plenty of water.

We heard Baby's precious little heartbeat again and it was between 140 and 150 bpm like always <3

My fundal height normally measures ahead of normal, but this week it was behind! I measured at 32 cm. Generally, it's considered normal for the fundal height to be equal to how many weeks along you are (I'm 34 weeks). However, the midwife assured me that an error of 2 cm in either direction is perfectly normal. There are many variables affecting the accuracy of the measurement like Baby's position and user error.

Speaking of Baby's position, Baby is still head down and ready for delivery. Baby's back is against my right side. I think this is why I prefer sleeping on my right instead of my left.... or maybe Baby's back is to my right because I prefer to sleep on my right... hmmmm. Regardless, Baby is in "optimal fetal positioning" so that's great!

That was most of the appointment. My next appointment is a 2 hour class where we're learn when it's appropriate to call the midwifery and come in for delivery and what happens when we get there and things of that nature. It's the only appointment that Dave is required to attend because they will give him information that is important since he's my birthing partner. After the next appointment, we will have an appointment every week until Baby arrives! All future appointments have been scheduled.

So there we go. That's all I got!

34 Weeks! (and stats update)

babybump 34 babybump2 34

Woohoo! 34 weeks today! Only about 6 more weeks to go... wow! I can't believe how soon I'm going to meet my precious baby. So exciting!

So at 34 weeks, Baby is about 4.75 pounds, 17.75 inches long, and the size of an average cantaloupe! Mmmm, I love cantaloupe.

Baby - The waxy protective coating, vernix, is becoming much thicker this week as the lanugo continues to shed and may be almost completely gone by now. Inside your baby, the lungs are continuing to mature in preparation for breathing in the outside world.

Body - You might be feeling just like you did your first trimester, tire, and exhausted. Your body is going through significant physical strain, not to mention the overall discomfort of all that extra weight and difficulty sleeping are playing their toll. As your baby moves lower in the birth canal and exerts more pressures, some women have an uncomfortable sensation that the baby is about to fall out. Other women feel a pricking or tingling sensation in the pelvic area, also common and not something to worry about. The feelings may not go away until after you deliver. If you have concerns, talk to you medical practitioner.

I am definitely feeling tired again these days. Most days I take a pretty long nap... like 2 to 3 hours! I'm always irritated that I lost that much of my day, but glad I was able to get the sleep. As annoying as it is to "waste" so much time, I never try to fight it - if I'm tired, I take a nap.

I never feel like Baby is about to fall out!

Since I haven't done a Sunday Stats in a couple weeks, I'll give you my stats for today.

Weight: 141.5 pounds
Waist: 41 inches

So that's 2 pounds and 1.5" in two and a half weeks. Pretty good! I've been much happier with my weight gain recently. We've been going on more walks lately, so that's probably helping. We just moved and now live next to a nice big park. We take the puppies on about a 2 mile walk about 4 days a week. It's really good for all of us.

I had a nice prenatal massage last week. Thanks again, Mom, for the package! I'll probably get another massage late next week and another at week 37 or so. The massages really help my constantly aching back feel better.

Baby's movements have changed a lot lately. Now that his/her space is getting more cramped, it seems as though Baby is trying to stretch out more. I often feel a strong push on the upper part of my belly and a smaller push lower at the same time. I think the strong one is the heal of Baby's foot, and the small one is Baby's hand. It's a very strange feeling but I can recognize it as stretching.

Well, that's all the updating I have time for right now. I'll finish off with a belly pic I took tonight with a guest appearance from iPhone 4! :)

iPhone belly