Wow! It's been 3 weeks since I posted a Sunday Stats! I didn't really it was that long... sorry :(
Ok, so for this week we've got
Weight: 135 pounds
Waist: 38 inches
So, in three weeks I've gained 5 pounds and grown 1.25 inches. Wow! Baby is growing fast!
I haven't been able to workout nearly as much as I'd like :( but I was able to make it to the gym yesterday, so that's good. I'm gonna try to be extra good this week with going to the gym. It's important and I need to just make the time.
Updates will be more frequent once school is over! Promise!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sunday Stats
Thursday, May 20, 2010
27 Weeks!
First of all... yes, I know I haven't updated in 2 weeks! :( Sorry, life just got pretty busy and I didn't have time. And with that...
Yay! 27 weeks!! Baby is 14.5 inches long and weighs 2 pounds!! Oh my goodness, Baby is getting so big! Baby's size this week can be compared to cauliflower. Awww.. my cute little cauliflower!
Now lets read in more detail what BabyBump has to say about this week.
Baby - This week your baby looks like a thinner, redder, more wrinkled version of what he will look like at birth, but in the next few weeks more fat will fill out his appearance. Your baby's immune system is continuing to mature as are your baby's lungs which are still practicing breathing amniotic fluid
Body - Just when you were getting used to your second trimester, you may find new uncomfortable symptoms beginning during your third trimester. You may notice more leg craps due to the pressure of your uterus on your veins and nerves running from your torso to your legs. Remember to stretch and move your legs to ease or prevent cramping.
Activities this week - Now is a great time to sign up for a breastfeeding class. If you are a first-time mom and planning to breastfeed your baby, it's a good idea to take a breastfeeding class or sign up with a lactation consultant. Ask your doctor or midwife for a recommendation or call Le Leche League who can help you locate breastfeeding resources in your area.
That's so exciting that Baby is now proportionally correct in his/her development! Now s/he just needs to put on a little fat before coming out :)
Third trimester is almost here! Well, according to some, it already is. And according to my calculations, I am now 67.5% through the pregnancy. So, technically, the third trimester should be the last third of my pregnancy, i.e., after I've passed the 66.7% mark. So based on these facts, I totally say that I'm in the third trimester! :) It definitely feels like I am. Being comfortable is becoming more and more rare. Putting on my socks is a struggle, and my back is almost in constant pain. But it's ok, all the suffering is to bring my precious little baby into the world, so it's all worth it!
Breastfeeding classes! We have decided to take this class at Sweet Beginnings in Littleton, CO but we won't start until after school is over... in two weeks!
Being at week 27 also means that BabyBump has a new belly picture for the next 4 weeks. Looks like Baby is starting to get a little cramped in there!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Midwife Appointment - 25 Weeks
I thought I would be taking the glucose test today, but I was wrong. Instead, they gave me the grape juice that I'll need to drink and directions for the test at my next appointment. I will have to fast after midnight the day of the test and drink the juice quickly about an hour before my appointment. Then they'll draw my blood to see how my body reacts to the sugar. Like I said last week, I'm expecting to "pass" this test, so I'm not worried about it.
We also talked about how Baby has been moving around so much. She said this time in the pregnancy is when I will feel the most movements because Baby is big enough to feel, but small enough to have room to move. As space gets a little more tight, I can expect movements to be less frequent.
The midwife also let me know that I may start feeling contractions and not to panic if I do. There is no reason to be alarmed unless the contractions have regularity and I have 4 or more in an hour. I haven't felt any contractions yet, and I'm not counting down the days until I do! Early contractions aren't supposed to be as painful as labor contractions, but still... I'll be perfectly content if I don't get them! :)
We measured my fundal height for the first time this week. This is the measurement from the top of my pubic bone to the top of my uterus. The midwife was nervous to measure me this early because it's common to measure "ahead" and then moms start to freak out that they're going to deliver a giant baby. Ha! The normal measurement progression would be to be as many centimeters long as I am weeks. Well, I measured at 26 cm, so that's good! She said she was expecting 27. So as of now, I don't think I'm having ginorma-baby. But we'll see how that changes as the due date gets closer.
Lastly, we listened to Baby's heartbeat. It was LOUD! As I was laying down, the midwife pointed out that the right side of my belly was slightly higher than the left and said that meant we'd probably find the heartbeat on the right. Sure enough, we could hear Baby the instant should put the doppler to my belly. No chasing required. It sounded just like it always does, but then the midwife says "we can probably get it better". She moves about an inch and sure enough, Baby's heartbeat gets much louder. It was pretty cool. Baby's heartbeat was about 140 bpm, like always!
Well, that pretty much covers the appointment. Our next appointment will be in 3 weeks and then I'll be back on a 4 week rotation. This one and the next were only 3 weeks because I was on off the "normal" cycle by two weeks and they wanted me to match up with the regular schedule.
Yay for Baby!
25 Weeks!
One week down, only 15 to go! Can you believe that? Only 15 more weeks! Well, I'm thinking more like 12 weeks :)
So Baby is now about 13.5 inches long, 1.5 pounds, and the size of a rutabaga! Wait... what's a rutabaga? Seriously, I have no idea. Here's a picture I found; thanks to Google.
Well thank goodness Baby doesn't LOOK like a rutabaga! Well, this doesn't really help me get the feel for the size of a rutabaga... oh well. I'll look for one the next time I'm at Safeway.
Ok, let's see what else BabyBump has to say.
Baby - Your baby's body parts are continuing to become more proportional to each other. Baby fat is also continuing to fill in your baby's wrinkled skin for a smoother look and more hair is growing, developing texture and color.
Body - Now roughly the size of a soccer ball, your uterus is halfway between your sternum and your bellybutton. All this growing might cause your stretched out skin to feel itchy in places. Try to relieve the itching with lotions and moisturizers. On the flip side, you're probably still enjoying the fullness of your hair, actually caused by your hormones decreasing the shedding process. Unfortunately, this extra hair won't last after you've given birth.
Health Tip - Many pregnant women are concerned about household cleaners, insecticides, and chemicals. Always check with your doctor for his or her recommendations before using any chemicals.
Glad to hear that Baby should be fattening up :) Although, I don't think Baby needs anymore muscles! I've received many
My uterus is only the size of a soccer ball? Dave refers to it more like a basketball :) My belly is definitely hardening up too. My belly does itch a little sometimes too, but not too bad yet. I have my oil and belly butter routine every morning, so that probably helps.
I haven't really noticed much with my hair because I keep it short. My nails grow super fast though. I think if I stare at them, I may actually be able to watch them grow. Seriously, I'm clipping my nails like once a week.
Well, that's all I've got to say! Here's to another good week!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Sunday Stats
I know, I know... I skipped Sunday Stats last week! I was busy making pie and homemade mac and cheese, so I totally forgot. I can't promise it won't happen again :P
Ok, let's just jump strait into the stats.
Weight: 130 pounds
Waist: 36.75 inches
Now, I know what you're thinking. "Leanna, the scale says 130.5. You're cheating and saying you're half a pound lighter!" Well, yes and no. My weight in the morning was 130, but when I took this picture, it was 130.5. I go by my morning weight... don't hate :P
So, that's a 4 pound weight gain and 0.75'' waist growth in two weeks. Weight gain is still more than I'd like; I should only be gaining about a pound a week. But I've been working out now, so as long as I keep that up, I'm not going to stress about my weight. Last week, I only worked out twice, but this week I've already worked 4 times and I'm hoping to hit the gym tonight as well. My goal is to workout 3-5 times per week.
Ok, so now for another belly pic. I'm actually quite proud of this photo and added it to the self portrait albums of the Photography Page and Flickr.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Maternity Self Portraits
Ok, I'll shut up now. Here's the pics. I've also added them to the self portraits albums on the photography page and on Flickr.