Ahh! I once again forgot to do Sunday Stats until I was about to go to bed! My weight is still in the low 120s - I don't know exactly what because I prefer to weigh myself in the morning when I haven't eaten yet. I'll put down tomorrow's weight in the morning.
Weight: 122.5 Waist: 35 inches
Yay! My belly grew half an inch! That's a total of 9 inches of growth. I started working out again this week so I'm hoping my weight gain slows down a bit. I think a few of the pounds I gained were unnecessary. I would've gained those pounds even if I wasn't pregnant! That's what happens when you sit on your butt all day every day doing math! But I have more free time this quarter, so I'm going to make sure I workout regularly. Not only do I not want to gain too much weight, but I want to have as easy of a delivery as possible - which means I need to be in good shape!
Well, Thursday will be 20 weeks which means I'll be halfway there! Yay for Baby!
I'm 19 weeks preggers today! That means I'm only a week away from the halfway point :) But I actually really feel like Baby is gonna come early, which means I may already be at the halfway point!
Anyway, let's take a look at what the iPhone app BabyBumb has to say about the 19th week.
Baby is 6 inches long and the size of an heirloom tomato! BabyBump also says that Baby is 8.5 oz, but we learned yesterday that Baby is in fact about 10 oz.
Baby - Many of your baby's senses are developing as specialized areas in the brain are being designated for smell, taste, hearing, vision and touch. Millions of motor neurons are continuing to develop in your baby's brain allowing more controlled and conscious movement.
Body - Your growing belly is probably obvious to others around you and you may feel the physical effects of it too. Most pregnant women experience backache at some point during their pregnancy. You may notice discomfort in your posture as your center of gravity shifts forward putting more strain on your back. Hormonal increasing also contribute to abdominal pain by relaxing the muscles around your waist allowing the uterus to grow.
Health Tip - No one knows for sure what quantity of alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy. The danger of alcohol consumption during pregnancy is that it may cause Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). Babies born with FAS may grow more slowly, have damage to the central nervous system or have abnormal facial features. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fetal exposure to alcohol is one of the main preventable causes of birth defects and developmental problems in the country.
What's funny about the center of gravity part is that a couple days ago one of my friends asked me if I was limping. I found it odd that I may already be walking a little different since I'm not that big yet. Dave immediately replied that I was just having issues adjusting to my new center of gravity. Ha!
And don't worry friends, I haven't had even an ounce of alcohol!! No FAS for Baby! I can't even sit close to Dave if he's having a beer - the smell disgusts me.
I'll end with a couple more screenshots from BabyBump. The first shows what Baby looks like, and the second one shows what the inside of my belly looks like for the next 4 weeks :) Should I add NSFW to the title of this post since the image shows a nipple? Meh :P
We had our big ultrasound today! Baby is looking great and is in the 50th percentile for his/her weight :) The pics didn't come out nearly as good at this doctor's office as they did with the previous one, but it's ok... I took video footage this time! First though, let's look at a couple pics.
The one above is (sort of) a profile shot of Baby's head. Baby is facing upwards.
This next one is of Baby sucking his/her thumb. This time Baby is facing downwards.
Next up is Baby waving at us :)
And lastly, we see Baby's adorable little foot!
And here's the video! Well, I had to split it up into two videos because YouTube is lame and has a 10 minute limit on video length. So for the first video, I cut out the part where doc is taking the measurements.
This one is of the measurements taking place. It's not nearly as interesting... borderline boring; unless of course you're me... because, well this is MY BABY and I love all the video :)
Cute huh? I love my baby!
Well, over the last couple days, I'm really feeling like I can feel Baby sometimes. It's light and I'm still not absolutely positive that what I'm feeling is Baby, but I'm pretty sure. To have an idea of what I feel, tap yourself lightly on your hand. Not a poke, but a tap. That's pretty close to what I feel on the inside... like someone is lightly tapping the inside of my tummy. Is that Baby? I think so :) But I can't wait to feel a good solid kick! Then I'll be 100% certain that I'm feeling Baby.
That's all I've got for today. Yay for Baby! Tomorrow is officially 19 weeks.
I still have a few minutes before Sunday is over! (Well, in Denver time). So here it is.
Weight: 121 pounds Waist: 34.5
That's a 1 pound increase from last week and no change in my waist size.
I know I said I'd post a new picture every time, but I'm gonna be lazy about it this week since I'm sick. If you need a dose of belly pics, revisit this post :P
We had a midwife appointment today and it went great!
The first thing we talked about is the fact that I've been sick. The midwife, Sarah, gave us some ideas on how I could feel better and told me to just keep resting and drink lots of water. Then we talked about if I could feel Baby moving around yet (I can't) and how that should happen pretty soon. She also reminded us that we need to start thinking about a pediatrician and look into child care if we're going to need it (which I don't think we will). I also told the midwife about some sharp pains I was feeling in my tummy last night and she assured me that it's just my ligaments stretching and there's nothing to be alarmed about. After our chat, we got to listen to the heartbeat!
Just as before, Baby was obviously very active. The midwife immediately said "well, I can hear Baby moving around, but we need the heartbeat!" :) It probably took a good minute before she could find it, and then almost immediately it was gone. It was a game of cat and mouse to find Baby's heartbeat! She eventually found a good spot and determined Baby's heartbeat was at 140bpm. As always, it was really cool hear. It was also a lot of fun to hear all the kicking and rolling going on - it's like Baby was having his/her own little dance party in there! I'm wondering if this is a sign that I'm gonna have a ball of energy for a child... we'll see!
An hour after the appointment, we had a "healthy pregnancy" class that is required for anyone who chooses to deliver at the midwifery. It was a good class about eating, exercise, and emotional health. Most of it was stuff we already knew, but we learned some new stuff too. I also have on paper that Dave should give me a massage at least once a week... mwahahaha :) I'm glad we took it - it's a great class to have required.
So, as always, a midwife appointment day was a good day and our next one is scheduled in 4 weeks. But on Wednesday, we have our next (and last) ultrasound! I'm REALLY excited for Wednesday!
18 weeks pregnant today! Almost halfway there! :) The above is a screenshot of an iPhone app I use called BabyBump. It is packed with features, but these pages are my favorite. Every week, BabyBump has a new screen which tells me Baby's approximate size, weight, and a food item (usually fruit or veggie) that is close in size. There is also a cute little picture of what Baby should look like at this stage in his/her development. Below all that fun stuff is information on Baby’s development, changes to expect with my body, and a health tip. Here’s what it has to say for this week:
Baby - Many of the bones in your baby’s body are starting to harden. Among these first bones to develop is the inner ear which is part of the reason why your baby might be able to hear sounds such as your heart beating or your tummy growling.
Body - As you settle into your second trimester you’ll likely gain your appetite back. Eating healthy and getting enough protein is important at this stage as your body needs approximately 300 extra calories to help your baby develop. Equally important is continuing with exercising; keep moderation in mind and do not begin any new, strenuous workouts.
Health Tip - Dairy is a good source of calcium, important for your developing baby (you need approximately 1200 to 1500mg a day). However, avoid unpasteurized milk often found in soft cheese such as feta, Camembert, brie and Roquefort, a common source of listeriosis, a form of food poisoning.
Pretty cool stuff, huh? I’ve been posting the text included under the Baby heading on Facebook, but I’ll start sharing it all on here.
I think it’s pretty exciting that Baby can hear my heartbeat and tummy growls! But I can’t help but wonder... what does my tummy growling really sound like? Is it scary? If I was a baby I’d probably be thinking: “oh crap, I’m under attack!” At least with the way my tummy growls - it’s pretty damn loud.
Midwife appointment tomorrow! I love my little sweet potato :)
Well, there’s a first for everything, and here is the first time I show my pregnant belly without a shirt covering it! I’m not sharing these on Facebook, so only you special people you visit this site get to see these :)
I’m amazed that you can actually see a belly from the front! Below is a pic of my tummy when I found out I was pregnant next to my belly a few days ago. Sorry for the bad quality; I took these with my iPhone.
Yay for Baby! Today is 18 weeks and next midwife appointment is tomorrow! :)
On Saturday, Dave and I went to the grand opening of Rump-a-rooz’s showroom. It was a lot of fun and I came home with all of the above items: 16 lil Joey’s and a Leslie’s Boutique designer wet bag. And I got it all for only $238.17 after tax! That’s a savings of about $30, which means I got 2 free diapers! Woohoo!
The showroom was really cute and the owner of Rump-a-rooz is great. She had her son there who is only days away from his 1st birthday - he was the first baby to ever wear a lil Joey and hence the first model. I really love how close I live to the owners of the company because not only do I never have to pay shipping, but I’m supporting a local company. And I guess I’m just lucky to be able to refer to one of the best cloth diaper companies as a local :)
Here’s a few pics I took with my iPhone of the showroom.
Every Sunday, I will post my new weight and waist size as well as a new photo to show my progress.
These are my measurements the day I found out I was pregnant: Weight: 110 lbs Waist: 26’’
Today, I am little past 17 weeks pregnant. Weight: 120 lbs Waist: 34.5’’
I gained 10 pounds!! Today was the first time I’ve seen a 2 followed by the first 1 on the scale. And my waist has grown 8.5 inches?!?! Holy. Crap. The kicker is that Dave stepped on the scale after me... guess how much he weighs. Guess!! 123.5 POUNDS! I’ll pass him up in no time!
Here are my previous ultrasounds. The one above is at 8 weeks. I love how perfectly centered Baby is :)
This next one is at 12 weeks.
In case it’s hard for you to tell what everything is, I made this nice little diagram to clear it up :)
OH! And I almost forgot! During the 8 week ultrasound we saw that Baby is already using an iPhone!
Our next ultrasound is scheduled for March 24th. I will be one day shy of 19 weeks. This will likely be our last ultrasound. This is the one where they do a full anatomy check to make sure everything is developing as it should. We could also learn Baby’s gender, but we’re gonna keep it a secret :) We were originally planning to have the big ultrasound at 20 weeks, but after the whole ER experience, both the ER doctor and our midwife wanted us to get in 4 weeks after that... which is on March 24. I’m really excited for our next ultrasound! Seeing Baby move around and kick is so awesome.
Welcome to my pregnancy journal! I’ve never done anything like this before, so we’ll see how it goes :) I’m currently 17 weeks pregnant and hope to use this space to document anything related to my pregnancy including the pregnancy itself, shopping, and parenting. After Baby is born, I will probably convert this into a blog about Baby. I hope to keep this separate from my primary blog but won’t be surprised if this one gets more love initially.
So there you have it, if you’re interested in following the progress of my pregnancy, check this page often or subscribe to the RSS feed. I’ll put up some “old” things like ultrasounds pics and such soon!